Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Day 2: Still Credential-less in Denver

J and I left Panda Palace for the Convention Center in the morning. The people who had promised us credentials so that we could blog the experience of first-time Asian American convention goers and what it’s like told us to go to the AAPI Caucus meeting and that things would be straightened out on our credentials. J had gone to the credentials office the day before and our names were not there. We arrived at the caucus meeting and simply got bounced from person to person on getting credentials, and were ultimately told that we would most likely not be getting them. We were infuriated, because they had approached us last week encouraging us to come out, promising that they would have credentials for us. J and I had been resigned long ago to not coming to Denver. So when they outreached to us, we only decided to come out because they promised us credentials. Then the (Asian American) woman we spoke with had the nerve to ask us, “What exactly do you need credentials for? Is there a specific reason you need them for? If you have a specific event you want to go to, we’ll get you in.” I was so pissed. So we are now essentially convention crashers and moochers.

Thankfully, we have amazing friends around in Denver as delegates, community leaders, organizers, etc. They have been bringing us to various parties (“It’s not about coming up with a policy platform and solving the world problems. It’s about what party you can get into.”). Last night they brought us to Senator Dick Durbin’s (Illinois) party. People are still trying to help us out with getting credentials, but the experience has taught us a couple things. First, the AAPI community still has hella weak leadership in political maneuvering on the staffing levels to make things happen. Most of the time, they have no idea what they’re doing. Second, people like to make promises and get our hopes up, so they can look good, but in the end they don’t follow through or don’t know how to follow through on things and are simply dicking us around.

On to more positive things… we were inside the Convention Center (not Pepsi Center) most of the day attending AAPI events. Unfortunately, we missed a lot of the protests outside – anti-war, anti-Guantanamo, anti-abortion, anti-Islam, anti-ICE raids, etc. However, we saw the current Godfather of AAPI politics, Mike Honda. Others we saw on day 2: Yul Kwon (Survivor: Cook Islands), John Chiang, Ashwin Madia (super rising star from Minnesota), Howard Dean, Sidarth (“macaca”), and Tammy Duckworth (Illinois rising star).

We went over to the Indian American Leadership Initiative’s event, where we also saw Kamala Harris (San Francisco DA). But no one was more popular than Ashwin Madia. The room could not stay hushed for most of the event, like a Desi wedding, except for when Ashwin took the stage. Then everyone was quiet. Well… almost.

Although ethnic/specialty media outreach has been dicking us around, we’ve been getting good camaraderie and support from fellow bloggers from We’re sharing pictures and stories, tips and info.

No credentials of any kind means no entry to the Pepsi Center for all the speeches. So we ended up watching Kennedy and Michelle’s speeches from Panda Palace. Watching from 3 miles away was such a tease, but WE LOVE MICHELLE! J is a Public Allies alumna and so is Michelle. We definitely teared up when she spoke, and Malia and Sasha were totally precious. I’ve seen Maya speak in person before and she’s great and has good rapport with the audiences, but in her DNCC speech she seemed a little stiff.

After loading up our first AAM post and pictures, we left for the APIA Vote gala event. On our way over, we walked by a lot of cops in riot gear blocking roads and entrances to buildings. I have an uneasy feeling about things. The weather is hot. The protesters are outnumbered by riot gear/swat members. They’re facing off on street corners. It’s only a matter of time. I hope all things stay chill, but there’s a tension in the hot air.

APIA Vote gala:
Good food and limited open bar… I always wondered what APIA Vote spent their money on. Then we finally saw Norm Mineta. If Mike Honda is the Godfather, Norm Mineta is the PIMP! Honda was everywhere getting his ring kissed. Mineta was chill and hard to find. Then he just appeared at the APIA Vote gala. PIMP!

Then it was off to Dick Durbin’s party several blocks away. We saw the Senator a few times, but the best part was asking Ann (the lady who brought us) about her first experiences at DNCC’s. She was so gracious in giving support to us newbies.


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